
I actually think this is how my beauty addiction started.  Chaptsick!  I have been in search of the perfect lip moisturizer since about the 6th grade.  I have sensitive skin and perpetually dry lips.  Even with all my testing of lipsticks and lip glosses, I have never leaned toward a brand that could potentially be drying.  I happened upon this lip "mask" during one of my frequent visits to my home away from home, Sephora.  I thought, wow a moisture mask for the lips, but it turned out to be oh so much more!  Agave Lip Mask in Champagne.

I tried it on in the store and was hooked!  My at home criterion was met as well:

  • Convenient to carry in pocket or purse.

  • Easy application.

  • Moisturizin, healing, feels great and makes me happy.

  • Heals dry chapped lips.

  • Looks shiny and pretty, but natural.

  • STAYS ON thru spin class, dog walks (in rain, sleet and snow -thank you New England)

It comes in three colors:

  1. Clear

  2. Champagne -rose gold pearl (this is the one I wear)

  3. Smashed -candy apple red

It says this on the box:

Agave Lip Mask

-Resveratrol: Provides antioxidant benefits equivalent to 15 glasses of red wine. -Medical-grade Lanolin -Jojoba Oil: Heals.

Enough said....Go now and get it!
